We at Easy Business Solutions receive a lot of questions from companies and individuals who have thoughts about operating in China. Therefore, we decided to put together a list of the most frequently asked questions, FAQ:s, with our provided answers. Because of the number of questions we're gonna split this post in two parts, one with the FAQ:s regarding visa service and one with questions about the other services provided. In this post we'll start with questions about the services.
Take a look below to see if you find the answer of your specific question, otherwise are you welcome to add a comment or send us an e-mail and we will provide you an answer quickly.
1. Which are the different business types?
- Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (W.F.O.E.), Representative Office (R.O.), and Joint Venture (J.V.). You can read about the differences in our business Registration page!
2. Does the company need a Chinese name?
- Yes every company in China need a Chinese name, which will be used in all documentation. The Chinese name can not be changed and is legally bound. Though, a company can act under its English name, which also can be changed.
3. Can Easy Business Solutions offer customized services to my company depending on my specific needs?
-Yes, EBS can offer companies package solutions including everything the specific company is in need of. This means all of our services are adaptable and possible to be fully tailormade.
4. Does the company need different licenses for import and export?
- No, it's the same application and the same license for companies which wants to conduct import and export trade in China.
5. How long is the registration time of setting up a company?
- Normal registration time for representative office (RO) is about 1 month and for a WFOE 2-3 months.
6. Can the same person in a company be both director and shareholder?
- Yes, there is no such limitations about shareholders and directors.